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Cake competitions

Suzanne Glew

Cake International 2018 at the Birmingham NEC was the first ever cake competition I’d entered.

I would pick the biggest cake competition in the country to enter for my first.

I learnt so much from this first experience. I had several customer orders booked in the same week and hadn’t given myself enough time to finish the full design I’d had in my head. I was too busy taking on last minute customer orders trying to please everyone. I finished the lady’s hair at the NEC itself, hence why it’s slightly crazy looking at just didn’t have the time to do what I’d wanted. All the green grass area was cake sat on a 22” square mdf wooden board. The tree had an armature wire skeleton covered with fondant. This was one beast of a piece being huge and very weighty with all that cake alone. Sadly, the judges didn’t think much of this piece and I wasn’t awarded anything. I took on board their feedback and planned to come back bigger and better the next year.

National Welsh Cake Competition 2019 was fantastic.

It was the first year this had ever been

held and myself and 4 other amazing cake artists entered our pieces. I entered the category where the piece had to be inspired by a greetings card. I chose an Alice In Wonderland one as I’d already decided I wanted to do a piece based on that. I love doing crazy character pieces. I was so excited when I saw one of my friend’s had been awarded a silver (her piece was next to mine on the display tables) I hadn’t noticed I’d been awarded a bronze for my piece! I was so excited. My friend and I had shared our hotel room and both had been working on our pieces until silly o’clock in the morning. But we jollied each other along and got our pieces done. Nothing like a bit of pressure to spur you on.

Cake International 2019 was my 3rd ever competition.

I was gobsmacked when I found out I was awarded a merit for this Tim Burton – Corpse Bride/Coraline/Nightmare Before Christmas inspired piece.

The idea of this one was that it actually spun like a proper chairoplane type of ride. It did when I’d finished the piece at 5am the morning of the competition at the hotel I was staying in, but the top had tilted by the time I had gotten it through the car park on my trolley to the car! No matter how much I tried to get it back in place once settled on the repair area at the Birmingham NEC, it just wasn’t having it. But had to keep my cool and so let it settle where it wanted and realised actually it worked out perfectly for this design. The tilt gave it the look of movement without actually moving!

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